Monday, 30 November 2015

Where The Wild Things Are

For my final project in my Adaptation from Text to Film class, I re-imagined Maurice Sendak’s, Where The Wild Things Are. I kinda like it! 

Square, circle and stick!

I also worked on some character designs for our film. Again, working on a big emphasis in simple silhouettes that would read clearly. 

*Grandma and evil villain co-designed by Kathleen Martin & Rosanna Lam.  

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Scene mockups

Some scene mock ups for the group film. They’re kinda looking like a Storycorps episode which I’m kinda into! 

Yaya's palette

Next up is figuring out a palette that would suit a spanish grandmother who enjoys knitting and muscle hunks on daytime soap operas. I used Matisse’s paintings and cutouts as my inspiration for the colour on these. 

Clear silhouette

For my next pass, I really wanted to make sure my silhouettes were clear and strong that you didn’t even need the line to tell you what it was. 

Yaya's apartment interior

I made a conscious decision last month to have a break from social media. Mostly that meant taking Instagram off my phone and I have to tell you, it has been most refreshing! 

I thought I would have FOMO more than I did but after the first few days, I really didn’t miss it at all! I actually allowed me to see even more than before. I know that sounds funny to say but I think it has to do with being present more often instead of looking at my phone. 

Now I have to admit, the addiction of Instagram was then replaced with Facebook but I’m working on that. I’m not saying I won’t ever be back on Instagram again but just gaining more of a balance than before. To be sure, I’ll be posting pictures of me and my little nephew come Christmas because we have matching Christmas shirts and I cannot wait for us to wear them together. :)

Anyhoo, here is my first post about our group film, Knit Fit. It’s about a grandma trying to watch her soap opera who then gets interrupted by some commotion outside her apartment. Above are some sketches of her apartment interior. The composition comes from the amazingly talented powerhouse,Rosanna Lam