Sunday, 27 March 2016

Nate Wragg's Character Design for Production

This was my last week for Nate Wragg's Character Design for Production class. It was a good class. It really got me back into the habit of designing. :)

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Cartoon Zen

We had a snow day today and so all classes were cancelled. I ended up just working on my life drawing assignment all day instead. I came in with a different mind set this time in approaching my work. I wanted to thoroughly enjoy the experience and mentally just stay in that "cartoon zen" mind state. There wasn't a lot of second guessing myself. I just went with what felt right and if it didn't, I stopped it. Doing that made this such a pleasure to do. And I’m looking forward to getting back into my cartoon zen soon.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Three Muskateers

I had some free time tonight and decided to do some doodling. But for a good half hour, I couldn’t draw anything.

Does anyone else get that? It’s like a sort of stage fright. An art fright! That happens to me sometimes now. When I give myself time to draw for fun, I freeze up! Sometimes from not knowing what to draw and other times with my own self-inflicted pressure of wanting to produce something “good”. The way I get around it now is immerse myself with things I love to kick myself out of that mind space. Whether it’s using music or researching something I love and getting lost in it. Soon enough, I forget about the “art fright” and get into drawing.

After tonight’s art fright, I ended up with this. It started with wanting to draw an old painter and then I remembered Vermeer and his funny hats. One thing led to another and I ended up with these three musketeers which I really like! I’m happy I stuck it out.